Monday, April 22, 2013

I write to...

I write to express my ideas. I write to tell. I don’t always get the chance to say what I want. Writing is free and writing is endless. When I write I can say everything I want. And after I get the feeling that I actually said everything I wanted. That is why I write.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

RI Teacher Says"I Quit!"

Watch this video about a brave teacher who quit his job.

My Opinion:

This guy seems like a great teacher. I love his description of the job of a teacher. It is very accurate I think and i believe all teachers should be like this. He is creative, enthusiastic and engaged. He is a role model for other teachers in the world. It is very unfortunate that this teacher had to quit and his school lost a good teacher.
But the changes in his school do seem very odd. It sounds like a bad environment for education. Students don't get to have any fun anymore. It is all about studying and their system seems very stressful and ineffective.
I believe he made the right choice.

Comments Reflection

Every student in my class made a blog and commented on each others entries. This is what I think of this exercise:

I think this exercise was useful and interesting. I liked looking at other student's blogs and seeing how they created it and what they wrote for the different exercises. This way I can learn more about the people and what they think and who they are. It also helps me when I compare these with my blog and I can see what I can do differently or what I did well. I really like getting comments because I can get some outside opinions on my work. This will also help me for exercises in the future since I will be able to apply what I have learned here.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Book Reflection

This is an exercise from my english class where we had to reflect on books we have red in  previous english classes.

-Death of A Salesman
My thoughts:   Couldn’t connect, Didn’t understand theme
Things that sticked: -His rich brother
                              -The neighbors
                              -He kills himself for the family

My thoughts: -Not that great
                    -Found it rather boring
Things that sticked: -Macbeth’s hallucinations (voices, the person he killed)
                              -How he turned crazier and crazier throughout the book

-The Reader
My thoughts: -Enjoyed it  to some extent
                    -Learned about guilt, shame, and isolation
Things that sticked: -Hanna and Michael            
                              -The bike trip
                              -The poem that he wrote back then

-The old Man and the sea
My thoughts: -Very exciting book
                     -Learned about experience, Not giving up
                     -Felt sorry for the old man
Things that sticked: -The old fisher
                              - The big marlin
                              -The sharks
                              -The scene where the old man has the fish tied on his boat and the sharks eat                      .                               away at it

-A midsummer night’s dream
My thoughts: -Play was confusing but sometimes funny
Things that sticked: -Peter Quince
                             -Peter Quince (the funny guy) falls in love with the queen fairy

Which leads me to the question:

Why is english mandatory throughout all off school?

English teaches you many things. Besides teaching the language like grammar and vocab English teaches you many other things. Through the literature red in English many important life lessons can be learnt. You learn about society, feelings, responsibility, community, situations and many more. These things are extremely important for the adult life. English is mandatory throughout high school because it teaches you vital lessons that will help you and that can be applied in many situations in crucial situations in life. This helps you make better decisions.

I am from "books" Poems

I am from a well-hidden place,
magical train,
mystical castle,
dark powers,
and a lightning scar.

I am from a little boat,
old man,
big Marlin,
many sharks,
and will-power.

I am from a post-apocalyptic world,
lots of dust,
a man and his son,
struggle to survive,
and the fire within.

I am from scary places,
many ghosts,
skilled professionals,
risky hunters,
and great reward.

I am from a hidden island,
suddenly lost,
people in black suits,
big confusion,
and tragic ending.

I am from middle earth,
little people,
disgusting creatures,
heroic fights,
and the one and only.

I am from a small town,
never left,
going on adventure,
conquering the dragon,
and lots of gold.

What I think of Education

Education is the process of learning valuable lessons as well academically as socially and otherwise. Education is supposed to prepare children for the world that they are soon to enter so they can lead a successful and happy life.

High School Adventure (Reflection of Education)

High school has been a journey for me. This experience has changed my life profoundly. There were many challenges I had to overcome and there are some that I am still overcoming. High school has made me a more independent and gown up person. There have been many times in high school where I noticed myself changing and develop. Once I was on my way to math class and out of nowhere I thought of the world. I realized how the world is an infinite adventure. There is so much to do in and to learn of this very complicated world. I could expand on this but the point is that this changed my whole way of thinking. I became more interested in the world and everything around me. I started wanting to know more and actually enjoyed some of the material covered in class. But this is only one example of many realizations and experiences I had in school. I believe that my time here has really helped me grow academically and as a person. It has prepared me for my adult life.